Strategic Lines of Action
Establish the needs and priorities for HiAP
To establish the needs and priorities to achieve HiAP by beginning strategic planning and prioritization; to evaluate the implications of health policies , equity and health systems; to make assessments of the impact on health; to set immediate goals as well as medium and long term goals; to evaluate the regulatory and political context; to define the capacity of regulation, supervision and execution of HiAP.
Establish the framework for an effective action plan
To analyze the context in which HiAP will be applied and determine what implementation strategies are feasible; to study the data, analysis and evidence needed to plan , monitor and evaluate the HiAP; point out the structures and processes required to support the implementation of HiAP; to examine the implications regarding human resources, financing and accountability.
Define structures and complementary processes
To indicate the principal agent; consider the opportunities for having structural support top tobottom and bottom-up as well as horizontally; refer to the agendas and existing norms; and to be based on versatile mechanisms for accountability.
To facilitate the evaluation of participation
To assess the effects of health policies; to note the effects of health policies; identify key groups or communities; indicate key players and encourage their participation; explore the possibilities for improving and restructuring the existing mechanisms of the legislative process.
Ensure monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Start early planning monitoring and evaluation; noting the potential opportunities for collaboration; indicate specific areas of interest; to execute agreed activities to conduct monitoring and evaluation; and disseminating lessons learned.
Build Capacity
Train and support health professionals; strengthen institutional capacity; build capacity for research; strengthen the promotion of a cause and collaboration in research; build capacity in the health ministry and other ministries; increase the capacity of the community to participate in the HiAP programs.
Medellin: A Healthy City for living
In 2012, Medellin set out to transform itself into a healthy city. It assessed its past, reevaluating the achievements and developments of previous administrations. It studied its present, joining efforts with the University of Antioquia, assessing the challenges and possibilities of a healthy model for the city. And the city began to build its vision by joining citizens, their organizations and the private sector. These efforts have allowed that in the recent four years the city has invested its resources and efforts to improve its surroundings where people can either gain or lose health by acting on key determinants such as the environment, employment, education, housing and poverty. Since then the Ministry of Health not only runs the programs it is responsible for, it also coordinates and supports all of the health generating structure of the city.
Intersectoral Health Commision (CISALUD)
The Intersectoral Health Commission of El Salvador is a space for horizontal dialogue where different sectors define health priorities. The sectors make recommendations and each focuses its decisions and resources to develop actions that affect the Social Determinants of Health and promote health equity.
Joint-effort to give care for people living in violent situations
A joint-effort between those responsible for preventing sexual and domestic violence and those caring for their victims was key for the work done in Campinas, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil . The coordination was made possible when domestic violence was considered a public health issue, not only a concern for the police force. Today the care for victims is quick and protective; education on this topic increases awareness by teaching people how to identify cases of violence, and to aid in the prevention and reporting of cases when they occur.
Health Promotion Through Community Radio AMORB / FM
In Porto Alegre , Brazil, an example of intersectoral information exchange has been launched through a community radio microphone. The radio program " In the Radio Waves " talks and raises awareness about health and its promotion . Speakers have a dialogue with the audience on how to empower themselves to achieve a better quality of life and to learn about disease prevention. This is a case study of community organization, in collaboration with different institutions.
Health Promotion by Fighting Cholera
The Haitian Ministry of Health spearheaded the Strategy to Promote Health and Quality of Life in the Fight against Cholera in Haiti with support from the international community. This program grew out of the destruction and health challenges caused by the 2010 earthquake that devastated the island. An example of intersectoral action at the information sharing and cooperation levels, this strategy provides education and training to promote public awareness and community participation and empowerment to control the epidemic.
Anti-Dengue Campaign: Kill it with Thirst
The case study from Uruguay describes the actions taken to control and reduce the prevalence of dengue in the country. This is a case of intersectoral action at the level of information sharing. While it does not meet many of the criteria to be considered a Health in All Policies approach, it is an example of a successful partnership between government institutions and the National Movement of Public and Private Health Users (NMPPHU), a nongovernmental organization that addresses public health issues.