Strategic Lines of Action
Establish the needs and priorities for HiAP
To establish the needs and priorities to achieve HiAP by beginning strategic planning and prioritization; to evaluate the implications of health policies , equity and health systems; to make assessments of the impact on health; to set immediate goals as well as medium and long term goals; to evaluate the regulatory and political context; to define the capacity of regulation, supervision and execution of HiAP.
Establish the framework for an effective action plan
To analyze the context in which HiAP will be applied and determine what implementation strategies are feasible; to study the data, analysis and evidence needed to plan , monitor and evaluate the HiAP; point out the structures and processes required to support the implementation of HiAP; to examine the implications regarding human resources, financing and accountability.
Define structures and complementary processes
To indicate the principal agent; consider the opportunities for having structural support top tobottom and bottom-up as well as horizontally; refer to the agendas and existing norms; and to be based on versatile mechanisms for accountability.
To facilitate the evaluation of participation
To assess the effects of health policies; to note the effects of health policies; identify key groups or communities; indicate key players and encourage their participation; explore the possibilities for improving and restructuring the existing mechanisms of the legislative process.
Ensure monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Start early planning monitoring and evaluation; noting the potential opportunities for collaboration; indicate specific areas of interest; to execute agreed activities to conduct monitoring and evaluation; and disseminating lessons learned.
Build Capacity
Train and support health professionals; strengthen institutional capacity; build capacity for research; strengthen the promotion of a cause and collaboration in research; build capacity in the health ministry and other ministries; increase the capacity of the community to participate in the HiAP programs.
Human sustainable development in Boca de Mao
The experience of Boca de Mao in the Dominican Republic is a local example that shows how the Health In All Policies (HiAP) approach may be present at a smaller scale. It showcases the level of coordination between a strong community organization that presents and manages its demands, and a holistic and coordinated response from various government sectors. The experience focuses its efforts on raising awareness through education and moving towards concrete actions on issues that concern the environment, food safety, health monitoring and nutrition.
Anti-Dengue Campaign: Kill it with Thirst
The case study from Uruguay describes the actions taken to control and reduce the prevalence of dengue in the country. This is a case of intersectoral action at the level of information sharing. While it does not meet many of the criteria to be considered a Health in All Policies approach, it is an example of a successful partnership between government institutions and the National Movement of Public and Private Health Users (NMPPHU), a nongovernmental organization that addresses public health issues.
National Commission of Health and Tourism CONSATUR
The CONSATUR experience in the Dominican Republic was born in 1998 motivated by the need to bring together two engines of national development: Tourism and Health of its inhabitants and of those who visit. They have gradually been shifting from specific coordination actions to consolidate a space of alliance seeking a common goal: to create favorable conditions for health of people and to foster tourism as an important economic activity. It is a good example of practices previous to the HiAP initiative, since back then it was incorporating already many of its criteria.
Healthy Municipalities, Cities, and Communities strategy
In 2013 the Chilean Ministry of Health studied the experiences developed since 1998 with the Communal Plans for Health Promotion. The careful review of the evidence gave rise to the Healthy Municipalities, Cities, and Communities strategy. New focus was put on the municipalities that are leading on the territorial participatory assessments, with strategic plans for the next three years and that are strengthening the ability of its people to understand and act on their context. This allows finding solutions to territorial problems using local resources and capabilities, strengthening intersectorial action and at the national level. The local - community - national dialogue is one of the strengths of the strategy, because the policies, actions, and decisions are not going in different directions, but are in constant dialogue with each other.
Planal: A National Sovereignty, Food Safety And Nutrition Plan
PLANAL is an experience in Paraguay where a government and its citizens work together to respond with holisticpolicies and actions to fight the main causes of food insecurity. It is a global governance strategy to improve the efficiency of State action. In this case a strong intersectoral coordination seeks to overcome the fragmented efforts and reverse the unequal distribution of resources.
PBF: Bolsa Familia Program
Bolsa Familia is a Brazilian government program that originated from the legislative and executive powers. It serves families in extreme poverty by increasing their human capital and improving their development opportunities through cash transfers and by increasing access to public services and food, among other actions. It assumes an intense inter-sectoral coordination and shows good results in child nutrition, lower fertility rates, improved maternal education and a higher purchasing power.